Ik lees net in de nieuwsbrief van Eliot Masie een aardig overzicht van de Learning Dreams van enkele duizenden geïnterviewden. Ze zijn allemaal werkzaam in het veld van trainingen en education. Hieronder het lijstje. Binnenkort komt er een volledig raport. Even in de gaten houden dus. Masie noemt dit lijstje de Learning Hopes:

“- CEO’s and Boards will begin or continue to understand the value of meaningful development for themselves and their teams.
– Learning professionals would be more honest with ourselves.
– That we stop looking for “the answer”. There is no one silver bullet.
– Learning Research needs to be more effective and discussed.
– After we “build” it, they really do “come” Learning is accessed by those that need it.
– We can truly measure the ROI or Impact of learning. Or, create a better way of talking about the  effectiveness of our work.
– We understand the difference between training and learning.
– The “cool” learning technology actually works and is valued by the entire workforce.
– LMS systems that are engines for performance and profitability rather than tracking system.
– Every learner is self-directed, understanding that they have to develop constantly if they are to keep up; understanding that learning is *their* responsibility, not their manager’s or the HR department’s, or anyone else’s. And the flipside of that dream, of course, is that we are providing them with engaging, on-demand content as and when and how they need it.”