Ik lees regelmatig: How To Blog For Fun & Profit. Daar staan vaak duidelijke postings. Zo vind ik deze ook een mooi overzicht geven waar het eigenlijk om draait met weblogs. Niet om geld verdienen, niet om je omzet te verhogen, maar om: customer-centric publishing. In de posting wordt uitgewerkt wat daaronder verstaan wordt. De conclusie is helder:

The real business of blogging is understanding the customer economy we are in and the changes that are taking place in content publishing. Unlocking and then releasing your business value into niche content streams which focuses on connecting with customers as well as delivers a personal and transparent style is fundamental to a successful business blog.
The “social” aspects of blogging should not become lost on the business person and entrepreneur as just another cliche’ or buzz worthy term. It is important to position your business value as a customer-centric conversation.
When you do that and you invite them in…then you can point the way to that business value you offer that delivers revenue for you. “