Technologies of cooperationDigital technologies gives new opportunities to cooperation strategies. In this great report of The Institute of the Future (pdf) eight clusters are described which contributes to thse cooperation strategies. Of course social networking tools en weblogs are part of it. The clusters which are described are:

– Self-organizing mesh networks
– Community computing grids
– Peer production networks – Social mobile computing
– Group-forming networks
– Social software
– Social accounting tools
– Knowledge collectives

A very interesting visual map (jpg) of the clusters and the guidelines is also part of the report.

At the end the report concludes with seven guidelines:
– Shift focus from designing systems to providing platforms
– Engage the community in designing rules to match their culture, objectives, and tools; encourage peer contracts in place of coercive sanctions by distant authority when possible
– Learn how to recognize untapped or invisible resources
– Identify key thresholds for achieving “phase shifts” in behavior or performance
– Track and foster diverse and emergent feedback loops
– Look for ways to convert present knowledge into deep memory
– Support participatory identity