This is a great tool from PubSub. A measurement tool for inbound and outbound links. Take a look at my link details with nice graphs and a lot of detailed info. It is still buggy they say but nevertheless I think it gives a lot of information. The RSS feed can easily be used in your feedreader. It gives some slightly other info. And these are the details of Micropersuasion of Steve Rubel. The link I used should be on my outlinks list very soon I presume. You can also see the number of daily entries on my blog or someone else of course.
(from Micropersuasion)

Update 3/6 9.00u: seems to be a problem at PubSub (no graphs) and Flickr (no photo’s). Here are the graphs from the TypePad server:
daily entries

Update 3/6 9.50u: Please keep this in mind:

“PLEASE NOTE: LinkCounts are based on the content of a site’s feed(s). Some feeds only publish summaries (or even just headlines) that do not contain links. We are constantly working to improve the resolution and accuracy of our published statistics. At times we may feel that our changes are significant enough to warrant reprocessing of some or all of our historical "raw" data. These changes will most likely result in the removal and regeneration of our published historical data.”  (via Nevon)

Update 12.00u: both Flickr and PubSub work fine now.
