I like this one. You can see it in place on the left sidebar under the comments on other blogs which I did with Furl. You will find a box called coComment of Hans on Experience. You will find the blogpostings there where I posted a comment (with a link to either coComment and the original posting). You can go to my comments by clicking on the title. There is also a webfeed of my comments to get notified when someone also responds on that post. You can find it just above the coComments box and of course on my webfeed page.
I found  this app on Pierre’s blog and TechnCrunch has a lot of comments on which you can find the pros and cons. And of course I commented on Techncrunch. See what I posted there in the coComments box. It is a pitty that not all blogsoftware is supported. So for now I need to have two boxes. One with Furl (not supported blogsoftware) and one with coComment.

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